Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 2010

Wow, so much has happened in November even in just these past two weeks.

My classes with my fourth form have been going excellently. I had my students present on a song that is popular in the culture now and they had to tell me whether it was a good example of love, masculinity, femininity, sexuality, or a false vision of masculinity, femininity, sexuality, or lust. They did such a good job. I am so impressed with how they maturely and accurately evaluated the different songs in light of everything they have learned concerning the Theology of the Body.

Last week we had a day retreat for 3rd Form girls and it was a very powerful experience. The Holy Spirit for sure had His hand on how things went down. The theme for the retreat was the love of God the Father and so much of the retreat reflected on the students own relationship with their father – which many of them expressed their own hurts and brokenness that has come from their fathers coming home drunk and scolding them or abusing them or their mothers or different situations that they have had where they actually felt the love of God the Father saving them from their own loneliness and depression. We did a skit where we showed how throughout life we pick up baggage from different situations and carry them with us but with God – He lightens our load. Then we did an apology expressing how we were sorry for times their friends or family had hurt them. Afterwards, they received a handwritten letter as if it was written from God the Father expressing everlasting and unconditional love for them. Many tears were shed, but I could tell that a lot of healing happened. It was a beautiful experience.

This past weekend, we had an overnight retreat for the Knights of the Immaculate in which 10 new members were inducted. The retreat was an awesome time to relax, to fellowship, and to pray. It was so amazing! Much of the retreat is a secret for those who participate, so they do not know what to expect. The highpoint of the retreat was Adoration and the time where the students received letters unbeknownst to them from their parents, siblings, friends, and teachers. You could see God just love these kids so much through this experience. Many of them were crying because of the amount of love and support that they felt. Some were shaking their head in disbelief because they never realized that they were so loved. One student looked at me with tears in his eyes saying, “He’s so powerful! … and I just want to say I love you man. Thank you.” Another kid who is new this year to the high school, I met him last year when he was in primary school because I went with his older brother whom I taught, to his grandfather’s funeral. I remember praying my Rosary for their family and feeling like God wanted me to give this Rosary to my student’s younger brother whom I did not know at the time. After we buried his grandfather, I went up to him and told him that I was sorry for his loss and I put the Rosary in his hands and he looked at me so intensely and immediately he started to weep. From that moment on I have been praying for him and this year he is in the high school and he came on retreat and it just explains how God knew even back then that He was going to bring us together in an awesome way and when we prayed the Rosary he made sure to show me that he still has the one I gave him. Another kid who has been struggling a lot with behavior problems almost to the point of getting kicked out of school has been going through a major conversion and he desired to change a lot in his life and he decided to come on retreat. During the letters, he broke down crying. That night he stayed up all night without sleeping reflecting on what God has been doing in his life. And he told me that he had not received Communion in five years. He went to confession and the next morning after all of them were Knighted – we went to Mass together in our T-shirts and as he passed by me to go in line for Communion he said, “Maestro, it’s time.” After Mass all of them were so excited. I had many of the teachers and others involved tell me, “They were all glowing! You could tell how happy they were! I’m so proud!” While I was at Mass surrounded by these young men of God in their new Knights apparel, I had to keep back the tears as I continually prayed to God, “Why do you trust me this much?” Because I realized how He had placed a huge responsibility of caring for their souls even if I am not trying to. I realized that what I say and what I do forms them and they look to me as an example. It’s scary but it’s amazing. But I am convinced, as Mother Teresa said, even God can use a broken pencil to write a love letter to the world.

And yet the mission continues. This Friday will be the 3rd Form boys retreat. Next week I’ll be in charge of catechesis for all of the staff. Please pray for both!

1 comment:

  1. so great to hear about the mission - I'm praying for you, Beth and the others as you teach there.
