The two fundamental questions of the theology of the body are “What does it mean to be human” and “How can I lead a life that leads to happiness?” In order to answer the question, “What does it mean to be human?” We have to look at the 3 phases of humanity.
The first phase is our origin, which has three sub-phases, original solitude, original unity, and original nakedness. Original solitude means that man is unique in his own nature. God is spirit, He is immaterial and invisible. Animals are matter, they are material and visible. Man is alone in his nature because he is body and soul, matter and spirit, visible and invisible! Apart from that we have free will and the ability to love.
Original unity is simply the union of bodies. Male and females are made for each other. The male body does not make sense without the female body and the female body does not make sense without the male body. Just by look at the anatomy of a man we can see that he is meant to protect, give of himself, to start and initiate the act of love, pursue a woman and sacrifice himself for her. A woman on the other hand is meant to receive, she has a mystery to be revealed, a relationship to be pursued, and a beauty to be unveiled. She is one that receives life. It is also important to remember that we are a body, but also more than a body, we are a union of body and soul. We are meant to be united with God and our neighbor through the call of love because it is through love that we are united. Because we have been made in the image and likeness of God we are to become one with God and with our neighbor. The only way we can fulfill our humanity is to love.
Original nakedness is to see a person with true love, divine vision, to see each other as God sees us. With the gift of original nakedness one could be naked without shame because we were able to see each other as a gift. Remember that original innocence is when man didn’t know good from evil, so he was not able to lust. With original nakedness we know our call to love each other through our bodies as God loves us.
The second phase is our history. We now know that there is good and evil because in the beginning of time, when Adam and Eve were created, they soon fell. It is because our first ancestors disobeyed that we must now have the shame of being naked. Our eyes no more have divine vision. Adam and Eve covered themselves in shame as a self-defense against objectification. They did not see each other as gifts to love and be loved, but as objects to be used.We had fallen from grace. But the story doesn’t end there.
We were redeemed. God the Father sent His Son to redeem us. Jesus Christ became flesh and incarnated in Mary’s womb. In order to save us God had to sacrifice His own flesh to redeem us in the flesh. He did this when He was crucified. It is when Christ rises from the dead that our bodies are redeemed. Jesus came and death had been defeated. By Christ’s resurrection we get the gifts of the sacraments and the opportunity to go to heaven. The purpose of the sacraments is to receive God’s grace through our flesh in order to help us get to heaven when our bodies will be glorified. This is our destiny, we were meant for love. Our last destination as humans is to achieve a union with God and that union is in heaven. This is the Beatific Vision.
Now, in order to answer the question, “How can I achieve happiness?” We have to look at the Christian vocations. Vocations are meant to make a gift of ourselves to love others and serve them. We can either choose marriage or celibacy. Even if we choose any one of these, our vocation will always be to draw us into communion with God and each other. If we choose marriage, we make vows to love each other till death parts us. Basically we are sacrificing ourselves for the good of the other and we do it on our own will, with love and with a purpose. The purpose of marriage is to begin a family and to give forth new life through the gift of love. The purpose of marriage is not only to procreate, but also to achieve a union with your spouse and to lead your spouse to heaven.
Many people think that celibacy doesn’t fulfill what it means to mean to be a man or a woman, but it certainly does. A priest or nun have sacrificed their sexuality and have given it to God. They want to achieve a closer union with God here on earth, which is also the end goal of marriage. Celibacy still fulfills what it means to be a man or woman because they lay down their lives in sacrifice to serve, guide, protect, and give forth spiritual life. Priests lay down their lives to serve and love the Church. In Mass, he initiates love and life through the giving of the sacraments. Sisters also give spiritual life through their service, charity, and teaching. In their femininity they receive the love of Christ and tend to their spiritual children. They fulfill what it means to be man or woman because they are an opportunity to love.
In both of these vocations, they allow man to make a gift of himself in love, and only in giving yourself away can you find yourself and find true happiness.
Carmen Kotch, 4th Form
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